What is a gamble? There are different aspects in so called "gamble". To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a c0ntest. To play a game of chance for stakes. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior. Let me discuss all those aspects base on my own opini0n and research.
1. To bet on uncertain outcome.. It's like you are joining in a c0ntest.. Any kind of c0ntest that has no assurance of winning. All you know is, you have the guts to persue your talent because you do believe in your capabilities, but yet there's still n0 assurance at all.
2. To play a game of chance for stakes. Lotto, sweepstakes, Small town lottery, and casino. Those are the kinds of gamble using m0ney. A 0ne time strategy of means in getting a big am0unt of m0ney.. Others are lucky n0r unlucky.. Others d0 n0t stop risking until they w0n or until they are already satified. They d0nt even care spending so much m0ney as l0ng as they want it.. Particularly, playing in casin0, it is n0t bad spending m0ney in a casin0 house as l0ng as you have a budget for that. But if you are risking your last m0ney to bec0me bigger, i think it would become a bad habit. But for a gambler, they d0 n0t care. There mind set is n0t to lose hope until they w0n.
3. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.. this aspect refers to your own pers0nal improvement, for example taking a risk to take new adventures, a things you never d0ne before. Taking a risk of chances of gaining new improvements in life. In this case you are trying to gamble your own life just to make yourself m0re profitable in any such ways.
4. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior. In this case you are risking your own health.. Abusing it might cause a worse problem s0meday. You are gambling your own health in taking to much alcohol, cigarettes and unwanted foods. It is good for n0w but later on your own life might n0t getting any better. Being reckless in anything would really be a gamble thing.. You are risking your own life into death..
But in overall of this opinion, would you think it is better to take everything into gamble? Do you think it is really can give benefit to us. Maybe it is really depends on the situati0n. Still us, ourself can give such answers.. The best thing to do is to follow what's in our heart.. As l0ng as our mind also agreed, there is n0thing to worry about..beside in the end our own decisi0n and attitude would c0ntrol everything.
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