Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trials & Failures

Trials and failures are the common
of life. N0 one is excempted.
Every0ne has a different cenarios, a
cenarios on how they faced such
c0nquerness &
survival. Experiencing those test will
make you become m0re stronger and
progressive. And has the ability to
face the world with determinati0n.

But others who could n0t overc0me
the situation has ended their lives
into death. To much expecti0n on
such things leads them to so much
pain. And it affects their self-worth
and lessen their self-c0nfidence that
leads them to so much sadness.
And cant even make to m0ve on, and
lack of strength to survive.

But God loves us, he will give us
problem just to test us how strong we are. He
will never give us trials which we can
n0t be resolved eventually. A test
that make us realize life is n0t unfair.

GOD has pity, but don't just sit back
and relax. Make the move to find the
answers, we and ourself only has the
capability to make
things work out. Be ready and d0nt be
afraid to face it whether it is good or
we need to accept it, remember that
God only kn0ws what is the best for
us, he will lead us the way to the right
path we deserved.

Prayers, is the best tool for
m0tivati0n. It help us to ease such
pains and suffering,
let us use this as our guide to face
the reality. A reality that makes us to
become a better pers0n and a
pers0n with a high sense of
resp0nsibility towards to good life.

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