Thursday, August 18, 2011

I had a dream...

I had a dream yesterday aftern0on, after i ate my lunch. I am n0t feeling well that is why i decided to take a nap. I dreamed about two kind of animals, an Eagle and a Wolves. I've been curious about what i've dreamed. I immediately searched it through the internet about the meaning of it.

[Base on my research, Birds represent thoughts while birds in flight
symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally
associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream
interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves
and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends
on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it
may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical
freedom.An eagle is a powerful bird and the unconscious
message may be prosperity, success, and liberation from tedium.
The eagle is also a bird of prey and some negative connotations
can be made. If the eagle is on the attack or the dream is
frightening, reflect on your own aggressive and predatory
thoughts and tendencies.

Wolves may have positive or
negative meaning and may
represent good or evil in dreams.
They could represent hostility,
aggression, sneakiness, and
ferocious appetites. In some
cultures, wolves represent feminine
energies and in others masculine. In
the Native American culture and
tradition, the wolf is a symbol of a
mysterious and wonderful teacher.
Wolves are considered to be
powerful guides who offer wisdom
and enlightenment. When
interpreting your dream consider
your feelings in it and the mood
upon awakening. If you were
mesmerized and not afraid, then
give your dream positive meaning
and accept its message.]

In my dream, the eagle is soaring towards me, then i tried to hold his head but i am nervous touch it, but later on i saw the eagle playing with my dog, and i realize it was'nt that scared, and i touched his head gently. After that i saw the eagle turns to human being and generously entered our house. 0n the other sequence of the story, there were a group of wolves but same with the eagle they also turn into human being. They usually transforms for there security. In my dreams our neighbor was threatening us in whatsoever reas0n. The group of wolves offering us to relocate to their place to make us secure. And they are willing to protect us in any harmful situati0n. Then my m0ther and i, start packing our things while the group of wolves are waiting for us.

Base on my research and in my dreams, i can relate my self and my situati0n, base on the eagle dream interpretati0n, it is relatively c0nnected or the same on what i want in life.. Prosperity, success and to escape from bored0m.. Freed0m to face all the problems and trials. And to m0ve on fr0m aband0nment, heartaches and failures. And the wolves, i was n0t afraid to them in my dreams, perhaps, they've been friendly to us and offerred us instead. I hope in real life it would happen.. An offer of wisd0m and enlightenment.

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