Do you have what it takes to get what
you want?
Have a vision.
Champions get what they want
because they know what they want.
They have a vision that keeps them
motivated and efficiently on track.
They see it, feel it, and experience it in
their minds and hearts. What is
success for you? You won't get there
without knowing what it feels and
looks like.
Make a strategy.
People who consistently win have a
clear and thoughtful strategy. They
know what they need to do and when
they need to do it. They write it down
so they stay on course and avoid any
alternative that does not get them
closer to the finish line.
Find a passion.
Are you excited to get up in the
morning? People with a passion are,
and they're energized about what
they are doing. You need to live and
breathe what it is that you want,and
be passionately invested in both the
journey and the goal.
Live the truth.
People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy
or fiction. They are self-critical rather
than self-deluding, and they hold
themselves to high but realistic
standards. They deal with the truth,
since they recognize that nothing else
will make their vision obtainable.
Be flexible.
Life is not a success-only journey.
Even the best-laid plans sometimes
must be altered and changed. Be open
to input and consider any potentially
viable alternative. Be willing to be
wrong and be willing to start over.
Take risks.
People who consistently win are
willing to get out of their comfort
zone and try new things. Be willing to
plunge into the unknown if necessary,
and leave behind the safe,
unchallenging, and familiar existence
in order to have more.
Create a strong nucleus.
Surround yourself with a group of
people who want you to succeed.
They will move with you toward your
goal. Choose and bond with people
who have skills, talents and abilities
that you do not. Winners give and
receive by being part of other
people's nuclear groups.
Take action.
Do it! People who succeed don't just
sit and think about what they want to
do. They take meaningful,purposeful,
directional action consistently and
persistently. Every step they take puts
the toward the outcome they're
looking for.
Set priorities.
People who are consistent winners
manage their challenges in
hierarchical fashion. They commit to
managing their time in such a way
that does not allow them to keep
grinding along on priority number
two or three if priority number one
needs their attention.
Take care of yourself.
People who consistently win are
consciously committed to self-management. They are the most
important resource they have in
achieving their goals. They actively
manage their mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual health.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
50 Habit of Successful People
Habits of successful people….
1. They look for and find opportunities
where others see nothing.
2. They find a lesson while others only
see a problem.
3. They are solution focused.
4. They consciously and methodically
create their own success, while others
hope success will find them.
5. They are fearful like everyone else,
but they are not controlled or limited
by fear.
6. They ask the right questions – the
ones which put them in a productive,
creative, positive mindset and
emotional state.
7. They rarely complain (waste of
energy). All complaining does is put
the complainer in a negative and
unproductive state.
8. They don’t blame (what’s the
point?). They take complete
responsibility for their actions and
outcomes (or lack thereof).
9. While they are not necessarily more
talented than the majority, they
always find a way to maximise their
potential. They get more out of
themselves. They use what they have
more effectively.
10. They are busy, productive and
proactive. While most are laying on
the couch, planning, over-thinking,
sitting on their hands and generally
going around in circles, they are out
there getting the job done.
11. They align themselves with like-
minded people. They understand the
importance of being part of a team.
They create win-win relationships.
12. They are ambitious; they want
amazing – and why shouldn’t they?
They consciously choose to live their
best life rather than spending it on
13. They have clarity and certainty
about what they want (and don’t
want) for their life. They actually
visualise and plan their best reality
while others are merely spectators of
14. They innovate rather than imitate.
15. They don’t procrastinate and they
don’t spend their life waiting for the
‘right time’.
16. They are life-long learners. They
constantly work at educating
themselves, either formally
(academically), informally (watching,
listening, asking, reading, student of
life) or experientially (doing, trying)…
or all three.
17. They are glass half full people –
while still being practical and down-
to-earth. They have an ability to find
the good.
18. They consistently do what they
need to do, irrespective of how they
are feeling on a given day. They don’t
spend their life stopping and starting.
19. They take calculated risks –
financial, emotional, professional,
20. They deal with problems and
challenges quickly and effectively,
they don’t put their head in the sand.
They face their challenges and use
them to improve themselves.
21. They don’t believe in, or wait for
fate, destiny, chance or luck to
determine or shape their future. They
believe in, and are committed to
actively and consciously creating their
own best life.
22. While many people are reactive,
they are proactive. They take action
before they have to.
23. They are more effective than most
at managing their emotions. They feel
like we all do but they are not slaves
to their emotions.
24. They are good communicators
and they consciously work at it.
25. They have a plan for their life and
they work methodically at turning
that plan into a reality. Their life is not
a clumsy series of unplanned events
and outcomes.
26. Their desire to be exceptional
means that they typically do things
that most won’t. They become
exceptional by choice. We’re all faced
with live-shaping decisions almost
daily. Successful people make the
decisions that most won’t and don’t.
27. While many people are pleasure
junkies and avoid pain and discomfort
at all costs, successful people
understand the value and benefits of
working through the tough stuff that
most would avoid.
28. They have identified their core
values (what is important to them)
and they do their best to live a life
which is reflective of those values.
29. They have balance. While they
may be financially successful, they
know that the terms money and
success are not interchangeable. They
understand that people who are
successful on a financial level only, are
not successful at all. Unfortunately we
live in a society which teaches that
money equals success. Like many
other things, money is a tool. It’s
certainly not a bad thing but
ultimately, it’s just another resource.
Unfortunately, too many people
worship it.
30. They understand the importance
of discipline and self-control. They are
strong. They are happy to take the
road less travelled.
31. They are secure. They do not
derive their sense of worth of self
from what they own, who they know,
where they live or what they look like.
32. They are generous and kind. They
take pleasure in helping others
33. They are humble and they are
happy to admit mistakes and to
apologise. They are confident in their
ability, but not arrogant. They are
happy to learn from others. They are
happy to make others look good
rather than seek their own personal
34. They are adaptable and embrace
change, while the majority are
creatures of comfort and habit. They
are comfortable with, and embrace,
the new and the unfamiliar.
35. They keep themselves in shape
physically, not to be mistaken with
training for the Olympics or being
obsessed with their body. They
understand the importance of being
physically well. They are not all about
looks, they are more concerned with
function and health. Their body is not
who they are, it’s where they live.
36. They have a big engine. They work
hard and are not lazy.
37. They are resilient. When most
would throw in the towel, they’re just
warming up.
38. They are open to, and more likely
to act upon, feedback.
39. They don’t hang out with toxic
40. They don’t invest time or
emotional energy into things which
they have no control of.
41. They are happy to swim against
the tide, to do what most won’t. They
are not people pleasers and they don’t
need constant approval.
42. They are more comfortable with
their own company than most.
43. They set higher standards for
themselves (a choice we can all
make), which in turn produces greater
commitment, more momentum, a
better work ethic and of course, better
44. They don’t rationalise failure.
While many are talking about their
age, their sore back, their lack of time,
their poor genetics, their ‘bad luck’,
their nasty boss and their lack of
opportunities (all good reasons to
fail), they are finding a way to succeed
despite all their challenges.
45. They have an off switch. They
know how to relax, enjoy what they
have in their life and to have fun.
46. Their career is not their identity,
it’s their job. It’s not who they are, it’s
what they do.
47. They are more interested in
effective than they are in easy. While
the majority look for the quickest,
easiest way (the shortcut), they look
for the course of action which will
produce the best results over the long
48. They finish what they start. While
so many spend their life starting
things that they never finish,
successful people get the job done –
even when the excitement and the
novelty have worn off. Even when it
ain’t fun.
49. They are multi-dimensional,
amazing, wonderful complex
creatures (as we all are). They realise
that not only are they physical and
psychological beings, but emotional
and spiritual creatures as well. They
consciously work at being healthy and
productive on all levels.
50. They practice what they preach.
They don’t talk about the theory, they
live the reality.
1. They look for and find opportunities
where others see nothing.
2. They find a lesson while others only
see a problem.
3. They are solution focused.
4. They consciously and methodically
create their own success, while others
hope success will find them.
5. They are fearful like everyone else,
but they are not controlled or limited
by fear.
6. They ask the right questions – the
ones which put them in a productive,
creative, positive mindset and
emotional state.
7. They rarely complain (waste of
energy). All complaining does is put
the complainer in a negative and
unproductive state.
8. They don’t blame (what’s the
point?). They take complete
responsibility for their actions and
outcomes (or lack thereof).
9. While they are not necessarily more
talented than the majority, they
always find a way to maximise their
potential. They get more out of
themselves. They use what they have
more effectively.
10. They are busy, productive and
proactive. While most are laying on
the couch, planning, over-thinking,
sitting on their hands and generally
going around in circles, they are out
there getting the job done.
11. They align themselves with like-
minded people. They understand the
importance of being part of a team.
They create win-win relationships.
12. They are ambitious; they want
amazing – and why shouldn’t they?
They consciously choose to live their
best life rather than spending it on
13. They have clarity and certainty
about what they want (and don’t
want) for their life. They actually
visualise and plan their best reality
while others are merely spectators of
14. They innovate rather than imitate.
15. They don’t procrastinate and they
don’t spend their life waiting for the
‘right time’.
16. They are life-long learners. They
constantly work at educating
themselves, either formally
(academically), informally (watching,
listening, asking, reading, student of
life) or experientially (doing, trying)…
or all three.
17. They are glass half full people –
while still being practical and down-
to-earth. They have an ability to find
the good.
18. They consistently do what they
need to do, irrespective of how they
are feeling on a given day. They don’t
spend their life stopping and starting.
19. They take calculated risks –
financial, emotional, professional,
20. They deal with problems and
challenges quickly and effectively,
they don’t put their head in the sand.
They face their challenges and use
them to improve themselves.
21. They don’t believe in, or wait for
fate, destiny, chance or luck to
determine or shape their future. They
believe in, and are committed to
actively and consciously creating their
own best life.
22. While many people are reactive,
they are proactive. They take action
before they have to.
23. They are more effective than most
at managing their emotions. They feel
like we all do but they are not slaves
to their emotions.
24. They are good communicators
and they consciously work at it.
25. They have a plan for their life and
they work methodically at turning
that plan into a reality. Their life is not
a clumsy series of unplanned events
and outcomes.
26. Their desire to be exceptional
means that they typically do things
that most won’t. They become
exceptional by choice. We’re all faced
with live-shaping decisions almost
daily. Successful people make the
decisions that most won’t and don’t.
27. While many people are pleasure
junkies and avoid pain and discomfort
at all costs, successful people
understand the value and benefits of
working through the tough stuff that
most would avoid.
28. They have identified their core
values (what is important to them)
and they do their best to live a life
which is reflective of those values.
29. They have balance. While they
may be financially successful, they
know that the terms money and
success are not interchangeable. They
understand that people who are
successful on a financial level only, are
not successful at all. Unfortunately we
live in a society which teaches that
money equals success. Like many
other things, money is a tool. It’s
certainly not a bad thing but
ultimately, it’s just another resource.
Unfortunately, too many people
worship it.
30. They understand the importance
of discipline and self-control. They are
strong. They are happy to take the
road less travelled.
31. They are secure. They do not
derive their sense of worth of self
from what they own, who they know,
where they live or what they look like.
32. They are generous and kind. They
take pleasure in helping others
33. They are humble and they are
happy to admit mistakes and to
apologise. They are confident in their
ability, but not arrogant. They are
happy to learn from others. They are
happy to make others look good
rather than seek their own personal
34. They are adaptable and embrace
change, while the majority are
creatures of comfort and habit. They
are comfortable with, and embrace,
the new and the unfamiliar.
35. They keep themselves in shape
physically, not to be mistaken with
training for the Olympics or being
obsessed with their body. They
understand the importance of being
physically well. They are not all about
looks, they are more concerned with
function and health. Their body is not
who they are, it’s where they live.
36. They have a big engine. They work
hard and are not lazy.
37. They are resilient. When most
would throw in the towel, they’re just
warming up.
38. They are open to, and more likely
to act upon, feedback.
39. They don’t hang out with toxic
40. They don’t invest time or
emotional energy into things which
they have no control of.
41. They are happy to swim against
the tide, to do what most won’t. They
are not people pleasers and they don’t
need constant approval.
42. They are more comfortable with
their own company than most.
43. They set higher standards for
themselves (a choice we can all
make), which in turn produces greater
commitment, more momentum, a
better work ethic and of course, better
44. They don’t rationalise failure.
While many are talking about their
age, their sore back, their lack of time,
their poor genetics, their ‘bad luck’,
their nasty boss and their lack of
opportunities (all good reasons to
fail), they are finding a way to succeed
despite all their challenges.
45. They have an off switch. They
know how to relax, enjoy what they
have in their life and to have fun.
46. Their career is not their identity,
it’s their job. It’s not who they are, it’s
what they do.
47. They are more interested in
effective than they are in easy. While
the majority look for the quickest,
easiest way (the shortcut), they look
for the course of action which will
produce the best results over the long
48. They finish what they start. While
so many spend their life starting
things that they never finish,
successful people get the job done –
even when the excitement and the
novelty have worn off. Even when it
ain’t fun.
49. They are multi-dimensional,
amazing, wonderful complex
creatures (as we all are). They realise
that not only are they physical and
psychological beings, but emotional
and spiritual creatures as well. They
consciously work at being healthy and
productive on all levels.
50. They practice what they preach.
They don’t talk about the theory, they
live the reality.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Gamble, Gambler, Gambling...
What is a gamble? There are different aspects in so called "gamble". To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a c0ntest. To play a game of chance for stakes. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior. Let me discuss all those aspects base on my own opini0n and research.
1. To bet on uncertain outcome.. It's like you are joining in a c0ntest.. Any kind of c0ntest that has no assurance of winning. All you know is, you have the guts to persue your talent because you do believe in your capabilities, but yet there's still n0 assurance at all.
2. To play a game of chance for stakes. Lotto, sweepstakes, Small town lottery, and casino. Those are the kinds of gamble using m0ney. A 0ne time strategy of means in getting a big am0unt of m0ney.. Others are lucky n0r unlucky.. Others d0 n0t stop risking until they w0n or until they are already satified. They d0nt even care spending so much m0ney as l0ng as they want it.. Particularly, playing in casin0, it is n0t bad spending m0ney in a casin0 house as l0ng as you have a budget for that. But if you are risking your last m0ney to bec0me bigger, i think it would become a bad habit. But for a gambler, they d0 n0t care. There mind set is n0t to lose hope until they w0n.
3. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.. this aspect refers to your own pers0nal improvement, for example taking a risk to take new adventures, a things you never d0ne before. Taking a risk of chances of gaining new improvements in life. In this case you are trying to gamble your own life just to make yourself m0re profitable in any such ways.
4. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior. In this case you are risking your own health.. Abusing it might cause a worse problem s0meday. You are gambling your own health in taking to much alcohol, cigarettes and unwanted foods. It is good for n0w but later on your own life might n0t getting any better. Being reckless in anything would really be a gamble thing.. You are risking your own life into death..
But in overall of this opinion, would you think it is better to take everything into gamble? Do you think it is really can give benefit to us. Maybe it is really depends on the situati0n. Still us, ourself can give such answers.. The best thing to do is to follow what's in our heart.. As l0ng as our mind also agreed, there is n0thing to worry about..beside in the end our own decisi0n and attitude would c0ntrol everything.
1. To bet on uncertain outcome.. It's like you are joining in a c0ntest.. Any kind of c0ntest that has no assurance of winning. All you know is, you have the guts to persue your talent because you do believe in your capabilities, but yet there's still n0 assurance at all.
2. To play a game of chance for stakes. Lotto, sweepstakes, Small town lottery, and casino. Those are the kinds of gamble using m0ney. A 0ne time strategy of means in getting a big am0unt of m0ney.. Others are lucky n0r unlucky.. Others d0 n0t stop risking until they w0n or until they are already satified. They d0nt even care spending so much m0ney as l0ng as they want it.. Particularly, playing in casin0, it is n0t bad spending m0ney in a casin0 house as l0ng as you have a budget for that. But if you are risking your last m0ney to bec0me bigger, i think it would become a bad habit. But for a gambler, they d0 n0t care. There mind set is n0t to lose hope until they w0n.
3. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.. this aspect refers to your own pers0nal improvement, for example taking a risk to take new adventures, a things you never d0ne before. Taking a risk of chances of gaining new improvements in life. In this case you are trying to gamble your own life just to make yourself m0re profitable in any such ways.
4. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior. In this case you are risking your own health.. Abusing it might cause a worse problem s0meday. You are gambling your own health in taking to much alcohol, cigarettes and unwanted foods. It is good for n0w but later on your own life might n0t getting any better. Being reckless in anything would really be a gamble thing.. You are risking your own life into death..
But in overall of this opinion, would you think it is better to take everything into gamble? Do you think it is really can give benefit to us. Maybe it is really depends on the situati0n. Still us, ourself can give such answers.. The best thing to do is to follow what's in our heart.. As l0ng as our mind also agreed, there is n0thing to worry about..beside in the end our own decisi0n and attitude would c0ntrol everything.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Trials & Failures
Trials and failures are the common
of life. N0 one is excempted.
Every0ne has a different cenarios, a
cenarios on how they faced such
c0nquerness &
survival. Experiencing those test will
make you become m0re stronger and
progressive. And has the ability to
face the world with determinati0n.
But others who could n0t overc0me
the situation has ended their lives
into death. To much expecti0n on
such things leads them to so much
pain. And it affects their self-worth
and lessen their self-c0nfidence that
leads them to so much sadness.
And cant even make to m0ve on, and
lack of strength to survive.
But God loves us, he will give us
problem just to test us how strong we are. He
will never give us trials which we can
n0t be resolved eventually. A test
that make us realize life is n0t unfair.
GOD has pity, but don't just sit back
and relax. Make the move to find the
answers, we and ourself only has the
capability to make
things work out. Be ready and d0nt be
afraid to face it whether it is good or
we need to accept it, remember that
God only kn0ws what is the best for
us, he will lead us the way to the right
path we deserved.
Prayers, is the best tool for
m0tivati0n. It help us to ease such
pains and suffering,
let us use this as our guide to face
the reality. A reality that makes us to
become a better pers0n and a
pers0n with a high sense of
resp0nsibility towards to good life.
of life. N0 one is excempted.
Every0ne has a different cenarios, a
cenarios on how they faced such
c0nquerness &
survival. Experiencing those test will
make you become m0re stronger and
progressive. And has the ability to
face the world with determinati0n.
But others who could n0t overc0me
the situation has ended their lives
into death. To much expecti0n on
such things leads them to so much
pain. And it affects their self-worth
and lessen their self-c0nfidence that
leads them to so much sadness.
And cant even make to m0ve on, and
lack of strength to survive.
But God loves us, he will give us
problem just to test us how strong we are. He
will never give us trials which we can
n0t be resolved eventually. A test
that make us realize life is n0t unfair.
GOD has pity, but don't just sit back
and relax. Make the move to find the
answers, we and ourself only has the
capability to make
things work out. Be ready and d0nt be
afraid to face it whether it is good or
we need to accept it, remember that
God only kn0ws what is the best for
us, he will lead us the way to the right
path we deserved.
Prayers, is the best tool for
m0tivati0n. It help us to ease such
pains and suffering,
let us use this as our guide to face
the reality. A reality that makes us to
become a better pers0n and a
pers0n with a high sense of
resp0nsibility towards to good life.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I had a dream...
I had a dream yesterday aftern0on, after i ate my lunch. I am n0t feeling well that is why i decided to take a nap. I dreamed about two kind of animals, an Eagle and a Wolves. I've been curious about what i've dreamed. I immediately searched it through the internet about the meaning of it.
[Base on my research, Birds represent thoughts while birds in flight
symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally
associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream
interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves
and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends
on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it
may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical
freedom.An eagle is a powerful bird and the unconscious
message may be prosperity, success, and liberation from tedium.
The eagle is also a bird of prey and some negative connotations
can be made. If the eagle is on the attack or the dream is
frightening, reflect on your own aggressive and predatory
thoughts and tendencies.
Wolves may have positive or
negative meaning and may
represent good or evil in dreams.
They could represent hostility,
aggression, sneakiness, and
ferocious appetites. In some
cultures, wolves represent feminine
energies and in others masculine. In
the Native American culture and
tradition, the wolf is a symbol of a
mysterious and wonderful teacher.
Wolves are considered to be
powerful guides who offer wisdom
and enlightenment. When
interpreting your dream consider
your feelings in it and the mood
upon awakening. If you were
mesmerized and not afraid, then
give your dream positive meaning
and accept its message.]
In my dream, the eagle is soaring towards me, then i tried to hold his head but i am nervous touch it, but later on i saw the eagle playing with my dog, and i realize it was'nt that scared, and i touched his head gently. After that i saw the eagle turns to human being and generously entered our house. 0n the other sequence of the story, there were a group of wolves but same with the eagle they also turn into human being. They usually transforms for there security. In my dreams our neighbor was threatening us in whatsoever reas0n. The group of wolves offering us to relocate to their place to make us secure. And they are willing to protect us in any harmful situati0n. Then my m0ther and i, start packing our things while the group of wolves are waiting for us.
Base on my research and in my dreams, i can relate my self and my situati0n, base on the eagle dream interpretati0n, it is relatively c0nnected or the same on what i want in life.. Prosperity, success and to escape from bored0m.. Freed0m to face all the problems and trials. And to m0ve on fr0m aband0nment, heartaches and failures. And the wolves, i was n0t afraid to them in my dreams, perhaps, they've been friendly to us and offerred us instead. I hope in real life it would happen.. An offer of wisd0m and enlightenment.
[Base on my research, Birds represent thoughts while birds in flight
symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally
associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream
interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves
and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends
on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it
may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical
freedom.An eagle is a powerful bird and the unconscious
message may be prosperity, success, and liberation from tedium.
The eagle is also a bird of prey and some negative connotations
can be made. If the eagle is on the attack or the dream is
frightening, reflect on your own aggressive and predatory
thoughts and tendencies.
Wolves may have positive or
negative meaning and may
represent good or evil in dreams.
They could represent hostility,
aggression, sneakiness, and
ferocious appetites. In some
cultures, wolves represent feminine
energies and in others masculine. In
the Native American culture and
tradition, the wolf is a symbol of a
mysterious and wonderful teacher.
Wolves are considered to be
powerful guides who offer wisdom
and enlightenment. When
interpreting your dream consider
your feelings in it and the mood
upon awakening. If you were
mesmerized and not afraid, then
give your dream positive meaning
and accept its message.]
In my dream, the eagle is soaring towards me, then i tried to hold his head but i am nervous touch it, but later on i saw the eagle playing with my dog, and i realize it was'nt that scared, and i touched his head gently. After that i saw the eagle turns to human being and generously entered our house. 0n the other sequence of the story, there were a group of wolves but same with the eagle they also turn into human being. They usually transforms for there security. In my dreams our neighbor was threatening us in whatsoever reas0n. The group of wolves offering us to relocate to their place to make us secure. And they are willing to protect us in any harmful situati0n. Then my m0ther and i, start packing our things while the group of wolves are waiting for us.
Base on my research and in my dreams, i can relate my self and my situati0n, base on the eagle dream interpretati0n, it is relatively c0nnected or the same on what i want in life.. Prosperity, success and to escape from bored0m.. Freed0m to face all the problems and trials. And to m0ve on fr0m aband0nment, heartaches and failures. And the wolves, i was n0t afraid to them in my dreams, perhaps, they've been friendly to us and offerred us instead. I hope in real life it would happen.. An offer of wisd0m and enlightenment.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
To Love again...
A pers0n who are n0t afraid to love again will find their true love. Others are afraid to take risk after their tremendous and worst relati0nship. But what will you do if there is s0me0ne who can help you to mend your broken heart.
Is'nt unfair if you will love a pers0n when you still in pain? Although the feelings is g0ne but the pain still remain. Can it be called love if you will love again just to ease that pain?....
Maybe it depends on the situati0n.. If you are both had the same experience, i think it would be better if the two of you would take that risk to love again.. We can n0t tell and who knows a good destiny will lead your way..
But m0st important thing, if you are willing to love again, be sure that you know how to love yourself. Therefore, you should love yourself first before loving anyone. Because if you do, you know how to love others like the way you want to...
The word "love" is just a one word.. A simple word that can easy to say but is hardly to express. You can love any0ne, anybody and anything.. But true love kn0cks only 0nce.. Be sure that when true love came, your are also ready to give love in return...
Is'nt unfair if you will love a pers0n when you still in pain? Although the feelings is g0ne but the pain still remain. Can it be called love if you will love again just to ease that pain?....
Maybe it depends on the situati0n.. If you are both had the same experience, i think it would be better if the two of you would take that risk to love again.. We can n0t tell and who knows a good destiny will lead your way..
But m0st important thing, if you are willing to love again, be sure that you know how to love yourself. Therefore, you should love yourself first before loving anyone. Because if you do, you know how to love others like the way you want to...
The word "love" is just a one word.. A simple word that can easy to say but is hardly to express. You can love any0ne, anybody and anything.. But true love kn0cks only 0nce.. Be sure that when true love came, your are also ready to give love in return...
Let the love begin....
Take my hand and lead the way;
tell me all you want to say.
Whisper softly in my ear,
all those things I want to hear.
Kiss my lips and touch my skin;
bring out passions deep within.
Pull me close and hold me near;
take away my pain and fear.
In the darkness of the night,
be my beacon, shine your light.
In the brightness of the sun,
show me that you are the one.
Give me wings so I can fly;
for I can soar when you're nearby.
Enter my heart, break down the wall,
it's time for me to watch it fall.
I've been a prisoner, can't you see?
Break my chains and set me free.
Strip me of my armor tight;
you'll find I won't put up a fight.
Release my soul held deep within . .
I'm ready now, let love begin.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Me in Red II
I wish you knew
Or had a clue
About how I feel about you
I just have so many feelings
That I’m tired of dealing with
I wish I had the guts to tell you
What would you do?
Would things be different?
I’ve already been through this
And I had my heart tore
I don’t think I can go through that
Look I like you more than I should
If only I could tell you my feelings
Everything would be good
Friday, August 12, 2011
Money is one of the important things in our lives..Luxury to neccessity it is needed.. Even street people is begging to have it. Others earn it either in good or in wrong ways just to survive.. It can change everything even our lives.
You can buy anything you want. House, car, accessories etc.. It can really save life. We can also help other who has n0thing even without asking in return. How i wish i could have some....
But it is n0t that easy to have it, we should work for it so that we would kn0w the value of m0ney.. Because others they just earn it in an easy ways, so in that case the m0ney could also easy to throw away..
But we should also be aware in using or spending a m0ney.. It might also could bring us in a bad circumtances.. The m0ney could also deliver us in danger.. N0t all human being who has m0ney is in good situati0n.. Let say they are satified and happy in life but there still an error when it c0mes to their pers0nal life.. It says "n0body's perfect".
You can buy anything you want. House, car, accessories etc.. It can really save life. We can also help other who has n0thing even without asking in return. How i wish i could have some....
But it is n0t that easy to have it, we should work for it so that we would kn0w the value of m0ney.. Because others they just earn it in an easy ways, so in that case the m0ney could also easy to throw away..
But we should also be aware in using or spending a m0ney.. It might also could bring us in a bad circumtances.. The m0ney could also deliver us in danger.. N0t all human being who has m0ney is in good situati0n.. Let say they are satified and happy in life but there still an error when it c0mes to their pers0nal life.. It says "n0body's perfect".
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I'm yours
"I'm Yours"
Well you've done done me and you
bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot
that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but
divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win
some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like
Open up your plans and damn you're
Look into your heart and you'll find
love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment
people dance and sing, we're just
one big family
It's our God-forsaken right to be
loved loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Do you want to, come on, scootch
over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long
checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to
try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I
I guess what I'll be saying is there
ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go
with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like
Open up your plans and damn you're
Look into your heart and you'll find
that the sky is yours
so please don't, please don't, please
There's no need to complicate
'cause our time is short
This oh, this oh, this is our fate, I'm
Well you've done done me and you
bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot
that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but
divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win
some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like
Open up your plans and damn you're
Look into your heart and you'll find
love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment
people dance and sing, we're just
one big family
It's our God-forsaken right to be
loved loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Do you want to, come on, scootch
over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long
checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to
try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I
I guess what I'll be saying is there
ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go
with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like
Open up your plans and damn you're
Look into your heart and you'll find
that the sky is yours
so please don't, please don't, please
There's no need to complicate
'cause our time is short
This oh, this oh, this is our fate, I'm
Husband & Wife.......
This is PON, my 1st nd my adopted dog. I found her inside the compound near by our house in TS Cruz..Last 2008.. She was so afraid and to nervous hidding in a rusty roof beside the house. I adopted her, me and my xpartner took care of her until she got recovered. And now, she's big and beautiful... Actually she got 2 pregnancies already.. Her 1st babies are Chipper and ch0pper and the 2nd is KIkay and darky.
This is BOLT my 2nd dog and the father of my other doggies... He has a strong legs and muscle. This was taken last year in our house in San Pedro.
. My xpartner got him from his friend last Nov. 1, 2009.
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